Saturday, July 31, 2010


Being in love, i find myself smiling for no reason at all...

last night, i walked with my husband under my umbrella.. me & hubby walking under the rain with his arms around my shoulders brings a smile on my face..

simple moments like this is already a treasure for me..:)

you may think, being married makes the two of you together everyday.. but due to our work schedules, sometimes, we just see each other, talk a little, take care of the kids, then see each other off to work.. it's only on our rest days that we get to spend more quality time with each other...

so every minute of being with him is so valuable to me..

so everytime he volunteers to do stuffs in our house and let me rest, i can't help but let my heart melt in his goodness and sweetness..

so every time we see an opportunity to be together, just the two of us, we grab that moment as best as we can...

Friday, July 30, 2010

true love...

Just sharing some thoughts and lessons I learned from Nicholas Sparks' heart-warming novel...

Dear John:

What does true love mean?

Such a simple question, yet, I myself, am finding a hard time defining it. If this question was asked a decade ago, I might have answered the way I would have replied on a “slum book” – the kind of stuff that teenagers pass around and keep, to be able to know who might have a crush on them.

For me, true love means, having to love the other person with the best that you could give and not asking for something in return. True love means exhausting all your efforts to show how much you love the other person, thinking first of making that other person happy even if you are hurting and enduring the moments that you are not around him. And at the end of the day, you still find yourself content with the word knowing that you have helped put a smile on someone else’s face.

They say there is one true love that is meant for you. You do not need to look for it, because it will come your way. In your lifetime, there is that one person that you are entitled to love and cherish; however, it doesn’t always mean that you can spend your forever with him. True love is the sister of “sacrifice”, because when you love, you do not only embrace happiness, but you also feel pain, you understand sadness, you anticipate hardship, you learn from your mistakes. And from those mistakes, you grow stronger and you sacrifice for the good of the other because you do not only think about yourself, as long as you would willingly give what’s remained in your heart.

Life may not be fair. Happiness may end tragically. But it is still possible to go on no matter how impossible it seems. And that in time, the grief lessens. It may not ever go away completely but after a while, it would soon be not overwhelming after all..

lastly... to quote John Tyree:
"I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

reading letters

I like the surprise of finding a letter in the mailbox and the anxious anticipation I feel when I’m getting ready to open it. I like the fact that I can take your letter with me, to read at my leisure and that I can lean against a tree and feel the breeze on my face when I see your words on paper.

I like to imagine the way you looked when you wrote the letter; what you were wearing, your surroundings, the way you held your pen. I know that it’s a cliché and it’s probably off the mark, but I keep thinking of you sitting by the window, with an oil lamp burning beside you while the madness of the winds blow outside. It’s so much more romantic than reading something on the same machine that you use to download music and research paper.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

one sweet day..

my hubby took charge today, declared it's my rest day, so he cooked spaghetti & fried chicken for lunch.. awww..
ain't he amazing?! thanks hon, wabyu!
- - - - -
Forward 3:30pm
watched TV, with hubby & kids, snuggling on the sofa, while raindrops kept falling down the roof...
- - - - -

Fast forward 7:00pm after dinner:
we were watching Justin Bieber's "Baby" mtv when suddenly, my son, Kyle grabbed my left hand and asked me "Mommy, shall we dance..?" then Kian took my other hand and followed suit.. they said they wanna dance with me, so they led me to the centerstage (sala/living room) and the three of us danced...
awww.... again.. i have to thank Justin Bieber for this, too.. i guess i'm a big fan of mr. Bangs aka Bieber now!!
my kids are so sweet... a trait that they inherited from their dad.. my heart is overwhelmed.. i am so blessed to have such wonderful & sweet family :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

breakfast with honey

usually, i'm the one preparing breakfast for my family..

today it's different.. due to the recent holiday in US, hubby had no work last night, so he woke up early & prepared breakfast for me - a yummy sandwich consisting of home-made tuna patty, (he's the one who cooked the patty!) with lettuce, cucumber, mayo & cheese!

love it!! thanks for the hearty breakfast, hon... love you!